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Quartz.Net Job Factories

In my previous post we talked about the IJobFactory interface in detail. Today we will look at the 2 job factories that are included in the Quartz.Net distribution.


We will look at the SimpleJobFacotry first, since it is the base class used by the other job factory. This is a pretty simple implementation, so let’s look at the source code and talk about it in detail. Here is the source code for the NewJob method:

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Quartz.Net IJobFactory Interface

The Quartz.Net scheduler implements the factory method pattern to create the jobs that will be executed. Job factories are responsible for producing job instances. When you download the Quartz.Net distribution you get 2 different job factories. Today we will look at the IJobFactory interface in detail. In a later post we’ll look at the job factories that are included in the Quartz.Net distribution.

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