Showing items from new in Quartz.Net 2.0

New in Quartz.Net 2.0–New Job File Format

The xml format for the quartz_jobs.xml file has changed in Quartz.Net 2.0. This is a breaking change, so you won’t be able to use your existing jobs file with the new version of Quartz.Net without updating it to the 2.0 format. If you’re interested in the details of what can be configured in this file, I would recommend looking at the xsd file that defines the schema for the file.

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New in Quartz.Net 2.0–Directory Scan Job

This is the second post of the New in Quartz.Net 2.0 series. Today we will look at the DirectoryScanJob, which is a new job in Quartz.Net 2.0. The DirectoryScanJob is very similar to the FileScanJob, which is available in Quartz.Net 1.0. As you can probably tell from the names, the main difference between the two jobs is that the DirectoryScanJob scans for changes in… you quessed it… a directory , whereas the FileScanJob scans for changes in… yes, you guessed it again… a file.

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