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Quartz.Net Scheduler Listeners, Part 2 of Quartz.Net Listeners in Detail

This is the second post in the Quartz.Net Listener Tutorial series. It’s also the second part of the introduction to listeners overview series. You can find Part 1 here. Today we’ll be looking at scheduler listeners and how to implement one. As we mentioned in Part 1, scheduler listeners get notified of high level scheduler events.

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Quartz.Net Listeners Tutorial

This multi-part tutorial will describe Quartz.Net listeners in detail and will provide examples of how to use them. We’ll cover the following listeners and topics in this tutorial: A listener overview: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,Part 4 Quartz.Net's Built-in Listeners I think that we’ll have one post for each listener type.

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Checking Your Cron Expression’s Schedule

If you’re using the CronTrigger to fire your Quartz.Net job, then you’ll have to come up with a CronExpression that generates the schedule you want. Sometimes you may not be sure if it’s the correct schedule or maybe Quartz.Net doesn’t fire when you want it to. There are multiple reasons why a trigger doesn’t fire when it should but perhaps the first thing to look at is whether you’ve got the correct CronExpression.

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Understanding the DisallowConcurrentExecution Job Attribute

In this post I’ll go over what the DisallowConcurrentExecution job attribute does and how to use it. Documentation The documentation states that the DisallowConcurrentExecutionAttribute is An attribute that marks a IJob class as one that must not have multiple instances executed concurrently (where instance is based-upon a IJobDetail definition - or in other words based upon a JobKey.

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