Configuring Quartz.Net with an ADO.Net Job Store (AdoJobStore) – Part 1

Quartz.Net stores all of its job related configuration in an aptly named JobStore. There are two different kinds of job stores available out of the box: RAMJobStore and AdoJobStore. By default, Quartz.Net uses a RAMJobstore. The RAMJobStore is extremely simple to configure, but it is a volatile store, so all job configuration is lost whenever the scheduler is restarted.

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Creating a Custom Job in Quartz.Net

If you use Quartz.Net and you want to do anything other than run  a batch file, then chances are you’ll want to create a custom job. Fortunately, creating it is not hard at all. Let’s get started. Here’s a quick rundown of what you need to do. First, you’ll need to add a reference to Quartz.

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Configuring Quartz.Net to use Log4net

If you’re considering using Quartz.Net, chances are you are using log4net as the logging framework for your application. We’ll assume that you already know how to configure log4net and that you just want to plug that configuration into Quartz.Net. So, how do we configure Quartz.Net to use log4net? It’s not terribly complicated, since Quartz.

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Getting Started With Quartz.Net Part 5 – Configuring Triggers

In Part 4, we explained how to configure jobs in detail. In this final installment of the series we’ll describe how to configure two kinds of triggers: the CronTrigger and the SimpleTrigger. In keeping with the previous posts, we will configure the triggers in the quartz_jobs.xml file. Part 4 included a sample configuration of a CronTrigger, so let’s start with this.

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Getting Started With Quartz.Net: Part 4 – Configuring Jobs

Part 3 of this series describes how to configure a job to run on Quartz.Net, but it does not go into detail about what each of the job settings does. This post will cover configuring jobs in detail and will provide some examples of job configurations. Most of the information we will be covering is available in the documentation for Quartz.

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Getting Started With Quartz.Net: Part 3

In Part 2 of this series you learned how to configure the Quartz.Net service, and now it’s time to get your server to actually do something. Let’s look at how to load some jobs via the quartz_jobs.xml file. First, consider this short description of how the overall process works: When you start the server, a job store is created in memory.

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Getting Started With Quartz.Net: Part 1

In this series of posts I will try to help you get started using Quartz.Net, the C# port of Quartz. This tutorial assumes that you are using the latest version of the .Net framework, so if you are using a different version, make sure you adapt the instructions accordingly. Also, I assume that you are somewhat familiar with installing and managing windows services.

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Getting Started With Quartz.Net: Part 2

This is the second instalment of the Getting Started With Quartz.Net series. Part 1 covered how to set up a standalone Quart.Net server as a windows service. Part 2 covers the configuration of the server. At this point you should have installed the Quartz.Net server as a standalone windows service.

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