Quartz.Net – The IJobDetail Interface

This is another of the documentation series posts. This post will be documenting the IJobDetail interface. Here it is: namespace Quartz { /// <summary> /// Conveys the detail properties of a given job instance. /// JobDetails are to be created/defined with <see cref="JobBuilder" />. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Quartz does not store an actual instance of a <see cref="

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Quartz.Net &ndash; The Quartz.IJob Interface

This post is part of the documenation series. It just provides a place to document some of the classes and interfaces that are not available in the API documentation. In this post we are documenting the IJob interface. Without further ado, here it is: namespace Quartz { /// <summary> /// The interface to be implemented by classes which represent a 'job' to be /// performed.

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Quartz.Net &ndash; The Missing API Documentation

Unfortunately it seems that the Quartz.Net API documentation that is available online is not complete. Since I would like to link to some of these classes and interfaces from some of my posts, I’m going to start adding them as separate posts, all tagged as documentation. At some point I’ll tackle generating another set of API documents with all the missing classes but until then, these posts will have to do.

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Quartz.NET 2 Tutorial - Lesson 1: Using Quartz

Lesson 1: Using Quartz There are at least two ways to use Quartz.Net: embedded (hosted) in your application or as a standalone windows service. Embedding Quartz.Net in Your Application If you are going to host the Quartz.Net scheduler in your application, you’ll need to create a scheduler. This can be easily done through the scheduler factory provided in the distribution.

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Quartz.NET 2 Tutorial

I’m going to take a stab at re-writing the Quartz.NET tutorial for version 2. The current version of the tutorial is for version 1 and so I figured it was time for an update. Below is a list of the lessons that I’ll be posting. Lesson 1: Using Quartz Lesson 2: Jobs And Triggers

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Table of Contents for Quartz.Net eBook

I’ve been working on the Quartz.Net eBook and I have put together an outline of what the contents will be once it is finished. I thought I would share the table of contents with you and I would appreciate any comments you might have. I’m especially interested in getting feedback regarding which sections are more interesting and important for you.

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Join Me for this Year&rsquo;s Movember

I don’t usually include personal topics in this blog but I think I will give it a try going forward. This is my first post and it’s to encourage you to join me for this year’s Movember celebration.. My commitment is to grow a moustache for the month of November and by changing my appearance, raise vital awareness and funds for men’s health, specifically prostate and testicular cancer initiatives.

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Calendars in Quartz.Net&ndash;Part 1

In this series of posts we will cover the use of calendars in Quartz.Net. In this first post we’ll start off by explaining what calendars are and what they’re used for. We’ll also describe all of the calendars that are included with the Quartz.Net distribution. In following posts we’ll look at examples of how to use the different calendars and eventually we’ll build our own custom calendar.

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