How Does Quartz.Net Configuration Work?

In this post we will explain in great detail how the Quartz.Net scheduler loads its configuration upon startup. Since the scheduler configuration did not change between versions 1.0 and 2.0, the information here is applicable to both Quartz.Net versions. In Quartz.Net, the StdSchedulerFactory is responsible for configuring the scheduler. When the Quartz.

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New in Quartz.Net 2.0–Directory Scan Job

This is the second post of the New in Quartz.Net 2.0 series. Today we will look at the DirectoryScanJob, which is a new job in Quartz.Net 2.0. The DirectoryScanJob is very similar to the FileScanJob, which is available in Quartz.Net 1.0. As you can probably tell from the names, the main difference between the two jobs is that the DirectoryScanJob scans for changes in… you quessed it… a directory , whereas the FileScanJob scans for changes in… yes, you guessed it again… a file.

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Installing Quartz.Net 2.0 as a Windows Service

UPDATE: I've written a new post that has been updated with the release of Beta 1. Take a look at this newer post instead. Quartz.Net 2.0 is currently under development. No official release (beta or otherwise) is available yet but if you really want to get started with it, you can download the source code from Github and build it yourself.

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