Moving Off Pivotal Tracker: The Birth of PTMigration

Moving Off Pivotal Tracker: The Birth of PTMigration

With the somewhat recent announcement that Pivotal Tracker is shutting down, many of us who have relied on it for years are suddenly faced with a pressing need: how do we migrate all our project data before it’s gone for good?

I found myself in this exact position, with an established project history that I couldn’t just leave behind. Like many others, my first instinct was to search for existing tools to help me with this transition. I assumed there would be solutions out there, given how long Pivotal Tracker has been a staple for agile project management. Sure, you can export your data to CSV files, but that’s not a practical solution for a large project with years of history.

After spending time researching, I was surprised to discover there wasn’t a straightforward tool available to easily migrate my Pivotal Tracker data to another platform. There were bits and pieces — scripts and hacks — but nothing that felt complete, reliable, and user-friendly.

So, after hitting multiple dead ends, I decided to take matters into my own hands. That’s when I built

The Need for PTMigration

Pivotal Tracker has been a crucial part of my workflow for years. From backlogs to sprints, from features to bugs — everything was there, all neatly organized. I have invested too much into it to just start over somewhere else without history. I needed something that could not only migrate data quickly but also keep the project structure intact. Losing that would mean losing a lot of contextual knowledge.

Here’s what I knew I needed:

  • Ease of use: A tool that anyone could use, not just developers.
  • Data integrity: Full migration of stories, epics, labels, tasks, comments, and attachments.
  • Platform flexibility: The ability to move the data to another project management tool of choice. This was very important because I wanted to try out different tools before settling on one.

Building PTMigration

With no other solutions fitting the bill, I got to work. was born out of necessity. The core idea behind the tool was to make the process as seamless as possible, while ensuring nothing got lost during the migration.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Connecting to your Pivotal Tracker instance: You can authenticate your account and select the specific projects you want to export.
  2. Data extraction: PTMigration pulls all relevant data, including stories, epics, tasks, comments, and attachments.
  3. Output flexibility: PTMigration is designed to be adaptable, so you can output the data in formats that are compatible with other major project management tools, whether it’s Jira, Trello, or even a static website.
  4. Seamless migration: The tool offers an easy import process to ensure all your data lands in its new home without a hitch.

Why Is Different

While there are general migration tools out there, was built specifically with Pivotal Tracker in mind. It understands the nuances of how projects are structured on the platform, ensuring that the migration preserves the relationships between epics, stories, and tasks.

What’s Next?

PTMigration has already saved me countless hours of headache, and it’s now available for others who are facing the same challenge. Pivotal Tracker may be going away, but that doesn’t mean your project history has to be left behind.

As we say goodbye to a trusted tool, is here to make sure the transition to a new project management tool is as painless as possible. I’m excited to share this solution with the community and look forward to helping others through this change.

Let’s keep moving forward, even as Pivotal Tracker shuts its doors.

If you’re in the same boat and need help migrating your data from Pivotal Tracker, you can learn more about